My main field of research concerns the mathematical and algorithmic aspects of secure communication and computation.
I designed and analysed protocols for confidential access to information, for instance in the context of private information retrieval (PIR, where one wants to download a file from a server without revealing the identity of the desired file), or of proofs of retrievability (where one wants to check efficiently whether a large file stored on a server was not altered. I also worked on code-based post-quantum primitives.
Mathematically speaking, the main tools I use come from algebraic coding theory, especially codes with locality features such as locally decodable/recoverable codes. I like to implement algorithms and objects I design.
I am currently member of the AGC3 team of the LAGA laboratory. My research also takes place into the collaborative ANR project BARRACUDA.
Journal papers
Rank-metric codes over arbitrary Galois extensions and rank analogues of Reed-Muller codes,
Daniel Augot, Alain Couvreur, Alessandro Neri.
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 165--199, 2021.
[SIAM eprint]
On the privacy of a code-based single-server computational PIR scheme,
Sarah Bordage.
Cryptography and Communications, vol. 13, pp. 519--526, 2021.
[Springer OA]
Weighted Lifted Codes: Local Correctabilities and Application to Robust Private Information Retrieval,
Jade Nardi.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 111--123, 2021.
[IEEE eprint]
Private Information Retrieval Schemes With Product-Matrix MBR Codes,
Razane Tajeddine, Ragnar Freij, Camilla Hollanti.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pp. 441--450, 2021.
[IEEE eprint]
Cryptanalysis of a System Based on Twisted Reed-Solomon Codes,
Julian Renner.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 88, no. 7, pp. 1285-1300, 2020.
[DCC eprint]
Generic Constructions of PoRs from Codes and Instantiations,
Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel.
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 81--106, 2019.
[JMC eprint]
Lifted Projective Reed-Solomon Codes.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 87, no. 7, pp. 1541--1575, 2019.
[DCC eprint]
Private Information Retrieval from Transversal Designs.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65, no. 2, pp. 1189--1205, 2019.
[IEEE eprint]
Voxelisation in the 3-D Fly Algorithm for PET,
Zainab Ali Abbood, Évelyne Lutton, Jean-Marie Rocchisani, Jean Louchet, Franck P. Vidal.
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, Elsevier, vol. 36, pp. 91--105, 2017.
[SD eprint]
International conferences
Constructions for efficient Private Information Retrieval protocols.
Workshop on Coding and Cryptography -- Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 2017.
[extended abstract]
New Proofs of Retrievability using Locally Decodable Codes,
Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel.
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory -- Barcelona, Spain, 2016.
[IEEE eprint]
Private Information Retrieval Protocols with Codes Based on Transversal Designs.
Munich Workshop on Coding and Applications (MWCA) 2017 -- Munich, Germany, 2017-07-03.
Past preprints
RAMESSES: a Rank Metric Encryption Scheme with Short Keys,
Pierre Loidreau, Ba-Duc Pham.
Codes with locality: constructions and applications to cryptographic protocols.
PhD thesis -- Université Paris-Saclay, France, defended 30-11-2018, 2019.
Main advisor: Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel
Co-advisor: Daniel Augot
Reviewers: Maura Paterson, Christophe Ritzenthaler
Examiners: Alain Couvreur, Camilla Hollanti, Gilles Zémor (chair)[manuscript]
On the algebraic
cryptanalysis of the twisted Reed--Solomon variant of McEliece cryptosystem:
A short popularization talk on
post-quantum cryptography:
cryptosystem based on rank-metric codes:
On the
construction of private information retrieval (PIR) protocols:
locally correctable codes (LCC) and private information retrieval (PIR):
private information retrieval (PIR) based on transversal designs:
proofs-of-retrievability (PoR) using codes:
I was editor or member of the scientific committee for the following conferences/journals:
- Workshop on Open Problems on Rank-Metric Codes (with a special issue in The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics) (2024)
- IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding (2021)
I was reviewer for the following conferences/journals: AMC, DCC, Eurocrypt, FFA, IEEE-ISIT, IEEE-ITW, IEEE-TIT, IMACC, ISSAC, IWSDA, MACIS, SAC, WCC, WINE