I am associate professor (Maître de conférences) at Université Paris 8 Vincennes -- Saint-Denis and LAGA.
I'm teaching maths and computer science in Bachelor and Master levels at Université Paris 8. Most of my teaching contents is available on my teaching webpage (in French) ; feel free to use it.
For my research, I'm mostly interested in error-correcting codes and their applications in cryptography, especially these topics: code locality, decoding, algebraic and geometric techniques in coding theory, private information retrieval, post-quantum cryptography, interactive proofs, coded computation.
Previously I was postdoc at IRMAR (University of Rennes, France), funded by the DGA (French defence technology agency) through the Pôle d'excellence Cyber.
I did my PhD in the team GRACE from LIX and Inria Saclay, in Palaiseau, France, under the direction of Françoise Levy-dit-Vehel and Daniel Augot.
julien.lavauzelle [at] univ-paris8.fr
Université Paris 8
UFR STN, Bâtiment A
2, rue de la Liberté
93526 Saint-Denis